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  • Currently in Denver — September 7, 2023: Sunny with an air quality risk

Currently in Denver — September 7, 2023: Sunny with an air quality risk

Plus, announcing Currently Sponsorships — a new way to reach our local audience.

The weather, currently.

Sunny with an Air Quality Risk

This Thursday graces us with another classic and lovely Denver summer day. Temperatures will reach a high of about 90 in the early afternoon and fall to the low 70s right around bedtime (if you go to sleep at 10 pm like me 🤪). It’s another slightly breezy day with the potential for some gusty winds around 4 pm but nothing crazy. You know what that means: find time to get outside and enjoy the weather!

While you’re soaking up the sunshine, keep an eye out for air quality alerts. And of course . . . wear sunscreen!

What you need to know, currently.

Julia Dinmore is our new Denver writer, and has a flourishing career advocating for environmental action in Colorado.

Sponsorships are short messages we co-write with you to plug your org, event, or climate-friendly business with Currently subscribers. It’s a chance to boost your visibility with Currently — one of the world’s largest daily climate newsletters — and support independent climate journalism, all at the same time. Starting at just $105.

What you can do, currently.

One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like Hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support networks in Florida: