Currently in Denver — October 2, 2023: Warm n' Windy

Plus, a record-hot start to October around the world.

The weather, currently.

Warm n’ Windy

You probably should actually hold onto your hat. This Monday is bringing us warm 83-degree weather along with some winds that will gust up to 34 mph (maybe even higher!). Winds will blow all day and night, and we might even see some showers and thunderstorms in the late evening and night. The chance of rain is dancing around 30% right now.

These powerful winds are elevating fire risk across the plains. Let’s hope we do get some rain to make things a wee bit wetter. Nothing to be too concerned about for Denver residents, but it’s good to be aware of the fire situation in our very hot and dry state that we love oh-so-much :).

What you need to know, currently.

The first day of October was the hottest October day in recorded history for several places around the world, including the entire nation of Spain, Sydney, Australia, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  • In Cordoba, Spain, the temperature reached a new October national record of 38.2°C (100.8°F) on Sunday amid a late-season heat wave that’s only just the latest to strike southern Europe this year. This summer was the hottest ever measured in southern Spain.

  • In Sydney, Australia, the growing El Niño is beginning to take its toll with hot and dry weather escalating and bushfires taking off.

  • And here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the temperature soared to 92°F, setting a new monthly record and forcing city officials to cancel the annual marathon.

With global oceans record-warm, it’s likely that we’ll have a stretch of several more months of record-breaking air temperatures, too.

What you can do, currently.

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